What We’re Reading on the Web

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As usual, we’ve read the Internet cover-to-cover and rounded up some of the most interesting reads out there for your perusal. Enjoy!

We’ll kick things off this week from design/milk’s corner of the internet where they shared a look inside lighting designer Jake Dyson’s studio, along with an interview on his innovative company.

This post from FastCoExist takes a look at a new school in Kenya that collects clean rainwater and harvests in underground storage.

Architectural Digest brings us the AIA Healthcare Design Awards slideshow.

This editor would love to provide a succinct explanation of what’s happening in this next link, but it’s above her pay grade. Basically, look at this Giant Leap in 3D Interactive User Interfaces because it’s amazing.

And finally, a lot of pictures of things that fit perfectly into other things. It’s oddly soothing.

’til next time, happy reading!


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