What We’re Reading on the Web

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As usual, we’ve read the Internet cover-to-cover and rounded up some of the most interesting reads out there for your perusal. Enjoy!

China’s AOL-equivalent is building a truly unbelievable headquarters in the sky. The Internet giant wanting the amenities of an American Google or Amazon but with space constraints in one of China’s largest cities, their architect had to get creative.

Instagram isn’t just for throwback Thursday or selfies; it’s also a place for well-traveled architects to chronicle the beautiful things they see. Here’s a collection of the architects you need to start following.

Beautiful images of Brooklyn’s new architecture and the accompanying interior design. Bonus points for featuring where one of the Beastie Boys sleeps.

Even more eye candy: ten stunning new buildings from all around the world.

Long, but fascinating read on common sense in sustainable architecture.

Happy reading and happy weekend!


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