What We’re Reading on the Web

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As usual, we’ve read the Internet cover-to-cover and rounded up some of the most interesting reads out there for your perusal. Enjoy!

The weather outside here in Jackson was borderline frightful earlier this week, so in addition to our normal-design geared thoughts we also had silly seasonal songs on the brain – hence: a How Stuff works post on ice hotels and how they work.

And don’t you think ice structures are for the wealthy and/or exotic because this couple built a beautiful igloo in his backyard and using snow and milk carton blocks. Seriously.

From some extremely cold digs to some Miami sun in Architectural Digest: these slides showing the two landmark hotels that defined Miami style are beautiful AND just what the doctor ordered this cold week!

This Architizer piece is an incredible look at what the future of sustainable school design could look like.

As you say goodbye to the work week, take a gander at FastCompany’s post on the 6 Secrets of America’s Happiest Workplaces.

Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm!


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What We’re Reading on the Web