Meet The Team: Amanda Taylor


Each week we’ll introduce a member of the CDFL team, or as we like to think of ourselves, the “us” in the Power of Plus.

Due to the nature of introducing our staff in alphabetical order, this week we will take a break from introducing our architects, engineers, and designers to introduce the first of our Business Development Team Members, Amanda Taylor. Amanda is a jack-of-all-trades and her contributions to all facets of CDFL life truly embodies the nature of the Power of Plus.*

What do you do at CDFL?

All kinds of fun things! My title is Sustainability Coordinator but that’s only a piece of my job. I’m part of the Business Development team and we do everything from putting proposals together to working on the website to planning parties.

What unique attributes do you bring to the CDFL team?

Since I am neither an architect nor an engineer, I think I bring a different perspective to the team. I see things through a different lens than they might view the same situation. I also think I bring an honest opinion to the team.

What is the best thing about working at CDFL?

The best part about working at CDFL is definitely the people. We work with great people here who really care about each other. It makes a big difference when you spend so many hours working together.

What do you spend the most time doing outside of work?

Most of my time outside of work is spent with my husband and little boy (and soon to be little girl!) We do lots of playing, read a lot of books and take a lot of trips to the park.

What’s the last movie you saw?

I just saw Iron Man 3. It was really good but I’m a terrible movie critic because I like most everything that I watch.

How long have you worked for CDFL?

3.5 years

What is your favorite lunch spot in the neighborhood?

Roosters. I always need more fried food in my life.

What’s your favorite TV show?

Oh goodness. This is a hard question for me. I like A LOT of TV shows and as previously stated I like most things that I watch. Some of my current favorites are Parks and Recreation, Grey’s Anatomy (don’t judge me I’m a loyal fan), Modern Family, The Mindy Project, So You Think You Can Dance, The Walking Dead (it gives me nightmares but I keep watching it), oh and Parenthood. I’ll stop there. This could get embarrassing.

*Basically, what this editor is saying is that when Amanda goes on maternity leave for the sweet baby girl she references above…we’re all in trouble.


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