What We’re Reading on the Web

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As usual, we’ve read the Internet cover-to-cover and rounded up some of the most interesting reads out there for your perusal. Enjoy!

Does the fresh start of a year give anyone else wanderlust? This editor is ready to hit the road, and if you are, too, here’s a handy guide of 52 places to go in 2015.

Speaking of the new year, take a look at this collection of 2015’s most exciting architecture projects.

If the aforementioned travel includes the Windy City, check out this FastCoDesign article about Chicago’s new architecture database of 13,000 buildings designed to help visitors navigate the city’s vast design landscape.

These smart home technologies recently revealed at the Consumer Electronics Show are incredible.

Look at these paintings. And then look again. And then prepare to be amazed.


Two Museums Project Update


Meet The Photographer: Hubert Worley