What We’re Reading on the Web

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As usual, we’ve read the Internet cover-to-cover and rounded up some of the most interesting reads out there for your perusal. Enjoy!

This piece from Business Insider on the great debate of using two spaces or one space after ending a typed sentence is a wonderfully snarky and informative read on the subject. The editor of the feature you are currently reading is a devoted one spacer (and oxford comma lover), and has been since high school when she fought her typing teacher on the silly notion of two spaces.

Though the appearance of green roofs with lush vegetation is decidedly more beautiful and gets way more love, it’s actually the plain white rooftop that is more environmentally friendly.

Even though we’re all temporarily distracted by missing lightbulbs and unfinished media hotel tweets, soon our attention will turn to the Sochi games themselves, and the beautiful structures housing those events. Here’s a fascinating look at Sochi’s Olympic architecture.

In other Olympics news: Having an opening ceremonies party? Don’t forget these delicious and adorable native food flags.

Finally, from FastCo: The Most Creative People in Business1000


What We’re Reading on the Web


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