Two Mississippi Museums Project Update


This project update was written by architect and CDFL associate Chris Myers. Chris is the Project Manager for the Tenant Improvement Project portion of the Two Mississippi Museums Project. The Two Mississippi Museums Project is comprised of the Museum of Mississippi History and the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum.

The weather has not been kind to Thrash Construction’s crew on the Two Mississippi Museums project, but somehow they have pushed through. The shell portion of the project is scheduled for a late summer or early fall completion.

At that point, the building’s exterior will look mostly finished, with the meat of the project just getting started. The interior build-out, including walls and finishes, will continue under the supervision of CDFL while exhibit fabrication will begin off-site. The project is scheduled to be completed in December 2017, coinciding with the state’s bicentennial celebration.

When complete, the facility will be huge economic and cultural boon for both the State of Mississippi and the City of Jackson. CDFL (partnering with Eley Guild Hardy and Dale Partners) is proud to be a part of the project team.


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