Project Update: Natural Products II


The following is a construction update on the Thad Cochran National Center for Natural Products Research, Phase II, at The University of Mississippi. This post was written by Architect and Project Manager Katie Lightsey.

It is hard to miss the exciting progress on NCNPR Phase II at Ole Miss, and if you go to any football games this year, you’ll get a great view of the site!

Construction began in September of 2012 and this month marks one year of progress.

After the utility and site work was finished, the Contractor was able to focus on the main structure of the building. And while all of the work is important, it is exciting to see the building finally begin to take shape. Thus far, the form work and reinforcing steel for the first four floors has been completed and the fifth floor (the roof) is next on the schedule. Slabs have been poured and the exterior metal studs are being placed and if you look closely you can see where the windows will be.

Later this week, we will travel to Oxford to approve the mock up of the exterior wall. This is a life size version of the exterior wall with brick, precast, a window and all of the necessary construction details. The architects and engineers use this mock up to determine that the color selection of materials is correct and that the construction and details are built in accordance with the design documents. Once this is approved, the Contractor will start ordering the exterior materials for the projects. In a few months we’ll be able to update with a post showing these materials installed.

NCNPR Phase II is moving forward and making great progress. This building will be a wonderful addition to The University of Mississippi and we are privileged to be part of the design team.


ARE: Lessons Learned


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