Meet The Team: Rob Farr

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Each week we’ll introduce a member of the CDFL Team, or as we like to think of ourselves, the “us” in the Power of Plus.

There are infinite ways to describe the “ideal leader.” Just search the web for “leadership quotes” and you’ll see the staggering number of people trying to sum up the best way to lead in an insightful and pithy sound bite. It’s a testament to both the limitless nature of the Internet and, more importantly, the effectiveness of differing leadership styles.

Here at CDFL our leadership team is reflective of the notion that there is no such thing as the ideal leader. Rather, it is the right kind of leadership that matters. It’s finding a leader or a team of leaders that fit an organization’s needs.

The “Meet the Team” feature on our blog is an opportunity to give a little insight into the personalities behind the projects and the people behind the plans. We’ll begin by introducing the CDFL leadership. Through their answers we hope you’re able to see we’re lucky to have achieved the elusive feat of finding the right kind of leaders – the kind of collaborative, complementary leadership that exemplifies our belief in the Power of Plus.

Hopefully, you’ll also get some decent Netflix recommendations.

This week we’re proud to introduce Rob Farr, second-generation principal and corporate president. Rob is a graduate of the University of Arizona and lover of blackberries (the fruit, not the phone).

 What unique attributes do you bring to the CDFL team?

My role is one of strategy. Understanding clients’ goals is key in assisting them in achieving the maximum value of their investment. The collective wisdom of 40 years of practice allows me to provide the touchstones of timeless design combined with cutting edge concepts for our clients.

What would your dream project be?

My dream project is a creative project that provides human habitation while lifting the spirit and inspiring the soul. Wait, that’s every project! Every project we are entrusted with changes peoples lives and makes a difference in the experience of living.

What would surprise us most about your job?

The power of creation: how it can and does make a difference in peoples daily lives.

What do you do at CDFL?

I lead the strategy activity – defining how and what is to be accomplished. Visioning a new experience to meet client goals with enhanced value.

What exciting thing are you working on right now?

I am developing a strategy that will enable our team to achieve preeminence in experience design. I am also assisting to develop a vision for the transformation of education in the university area. Additionally, I’m building a concept to allow for the effective procurement of construction services in a value-based concept for our clients’ goals.

What is the best thing about working at CDFL?

The best thing about working here are the wonderful, creative, and talented people who work together for the betterment of the built environment.

What do you spend the most time doing outside of work?

I am privileged to be able to build and create with my hands. The continuation of design into my personal space builds my appreciation for the effort of everyone engaged in the built environments process.

What was the last movie you saw?

Sky Fall – James Bond is the man. This film was a little darker but no less dramatic.

How long have you worked for CDFL?

I started my career at CDFL almost forty years ago. I worked in the firm before that as the jack-of-all-trades. I’ve had forty years of wonder and growth in this profession – affecting true and sustained betterment.

What is your favorite lunch spot in the neighborhood?

Walkers, Roosters, Basils, Nicks – how could you choose?!

What new thing is happening in your field?

Project delivery and integrated teams. We are learning how to work as a combined group with the project at the center of the effort. New materials and new processes allow for the expansion of buildings intelligence.

What’s your favorite TV show?

Cubs baseball broadcasts during the summer and the old Dr. Who on BBC


Cardiovascular Center at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

