Meet The Team: Chris Laney


Each week we’ll introduce a member of the CDFL team, or as we like to think of ourselves, the “us” in the Power of Plus. This week we are pleased to introduce designer Chris Laney.

How long have you been at CDFL and how long have you been in the field?

I have worked at CDFL for 7 years and have been in this profession for 15 years.

What do you do at CDFL?

Officially I am an architectural designer and I spend most of my time drafting, doing project coordination, and in-office construction administration. I’d like to add writing specifications to that list and hope to learn that in the future.

What unique attributes do you bring to the CDFL team?

I have a background in construction and enjoy drawing the sections and details that make projects work well- I think that’s the part of the project planning process that many people dread!

What would your dream project be?

I have always wanted to work on a high-end theater or concert hall.

What would surprise us most about your job?

After 7 years I have never stepped foot on a project site I have worked on for CDFL. Every project I have worked on is out of town!

What exciting thing are you working on right now?

I am currently working on the new Campbell Cove addition at St. Catherine’s Village. This is an exciting project to me for a few reasons. The first is that it’s a local project, so I will finally have an opportunity to see the finished product in person and not just in pictures. This is also one of the first opportunities I have had here at CDFL to work on a traditional project, as opposed to a design-build project, and that’s an interesting change of pace. Lastly, the purpose for this building is to help people living with Alzheimer’s disease, something that has affected my family a number of times. To be able to play even a small role in helping a community of people I feel very connected to is really rewarding.

What is the best thing about working at CDFL?

Honestly, the best part of working at CDFL is the people. I don’t think you will find a better group of folks working together at any firm, anywhere. This firm also tackles some great projects. It has been a wonderful experience working on a team that is able to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks while having fun.

What do you spend the most time doing outside of work.

Spending time with my wife, Carley, and daughter Zoe. We like to be outdoors as much as possible.

What’s the last movie you saw?

I believe the last movie I saw was the new Superman movie.

What’s your favorite lunch spot in the neighborhood?

My favorite lunch spot in the neighborhood would be Basil’s.

What new thing is happening in your field?

The newest thing happening in my field is BIM (building information modeling). This is the future of architectural design and it is here! We have been incorporating BIM on design-build military projects for about 5 years now, so CDFL is leading the way in developing and utilizing this new standard of the industry.

What’s your favorite TV show?

We aren’t big on TV in our house but I guess when we are not watching Dr. McStuffins or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse we are probably watching whatever cop drama is on (CSI, etc).


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